Welcome to Summit Bikes, our shop is located at
24 Hillfield Road
West Sussex
PO20 0LB
We don't just sell and repair bikes, we ride them.....
Our advice will always reflect our own love and experience of the sport.
We run regular shop rides across the South Downs, catering for all levels of fitness and experience.
For the more adventurous we also organise weekend rides, i.e. The South Downs Way, which is ridden over two days with a hotel stop overnight. Just turn up with your bike n kit and we take care of everything else.
We are not a faceless money making corporation, we are a community of riders who are constantly welcoming new riders, give us a call to join us, or pop in for a chat, the kettles always on and you're always welcome.
Take a look at our " What's New" section for pics of previous rides.
We provide quality cheap bikes and accessories from well established brands such as.
Bike Hire, from an adult bike to a towalong trailer for your child or pet, we hire them all
We offer full servicing facilities from a puncture repair, to a full strip down and rebuild.
If there's something you need that you don't see on our site, it's probably because we're out riding more than updating the site, just give us a call.
Steve Mitchell